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5 benefits of playing with slime

Everyone recollects playing with different toys in their childhood. It is one of the beautiful phases of life you spend without worries or stress. Children are fond of them as it keeps them entertained and occupied. Your child loves exploring new items and discovering ways to play with them. It supports their growth and development.

Making and playing with slime has been prevalent for years, but it became popular in 2010. It got so inventive that the internet started flooding with recipes. Playing with it benefits kids in many ways. It is a unique tactile sensory experience that promotes mindfulness, helps children focus, encourages them to play independently, promotes fine motor skills, and calms them. Let us discuss these benefits in detail:

Promotes mindfulness
Using the slime making kit promotes being in the moment. With multiple ways to get distracted, such as television, video games, and cell phone apps, something to pull a child’s attention away from electronics and into the current moment is a boon for parents. The immersive sensory experience provides you with micro-moments of learning and creativity.

Helps focus
It is no secret that young children have difficulty concentrating on things for long periods. They should learn how to pay attention. Making the slippery and gooey substance forces them to focus on the task. The recipes require close attention, Chemistry, and Math without getting distracted.

Independent playtime
For someone habitual to being entertained all the time, playing with toys like building blocks is an excellent way to entertain themselves for short periods. Independent playtime is essential because it helps with long-term self-confidence, concentration, and engagement.

Fine motor skills
Engaging in building activities requires the child to use their hands and eyes. It is a fun and innovative way for children to practice strength, fine motor control, and agility. It stimulates the brain to think out of the box and create something unique. The shapes and patterns help you fit them together and build something worth appreciation for.

Calming effect
One of the benefits of playing with slime is that it has a calming effect on the mind. Even for adults, holding that icky, gooey substance in your hands and playing with it is relaxing. It lowers stress levels and uplifts your mood. If someone in your family suffers from anxiety, the substance can calm and soothe their nerves.

When buying the kit, you should watch your kids’ expressions. They love it since it is portable and surprisingly clean. It is an all-around sensory toy that engages your kid while playing, studying new concepts, or learning subjects like Science and Mathematics. You can also buy it online from reputed toy and e-commerce stores to surprise your kid on their birthday.