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5 Top Tentacle Puns

Submitted by john85 on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 12:34

Welcome, looking for some really funny tentacle puns to chuckle about? Check these out at the bottom:

1. "Why was the octopus hired as an IRS agent?"
It had plenty of tentacles to reach out to everybody pockets at one time.

2. "Why should you get an octopus to sign all of your contracts?"
It never uses permanent ink.

3. "Why did the people think the octopus was quite a charmer at the dating retreat?"
It managed take all 8 women on a date at once.

4. "What was the reason the octopus started selling weapons?"
To join the arms race.

5. "How did the octopus become a great boxer?"
It had the hands to catch its opponent in every angle.