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6 Fundamental Rules you can't afford to ignore, when it comes to Web Design

Submitted by accentuate on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 23:32

Web design on Gold Coast has developed just as fast as life on the Coast. It’s no longer a sleepy holiday or retirement destination, but a busy metropolis equal to anywhere on the planet. As such, the people here expect, in fact, demand the highest standards when it comes to web design.

These fundamental rules of web design must be incorporated in your design strategy:

• Legibility
Having clear and easy to read text on your web site is vital. Always use clear fonts of a size that is easy to see. Avoid light coloured text on light backgrounds and dark text or dark backgrounds. Pick contrasts that match and do not strain the eyes

• Understand Visual Hierarchy
When you design a website you need to lead your viewers on an entertaining and educational tour. Using strong descriptive titles and headers helps readers skip to the areas they are interested in. The goal is to interest or excite viewers to go to the selling points on your site and react to the call for action prompts you have tastefully provided.
A good website is like an easy to read treasure map that encourages viewers to believe if they reach the goal and do the action they will reap the reward

• Don’t get too Busy or Font Crazy
A good web designing of websites in Gold Coast are one that gives your visitors the whole message in the simplest possible way, if you want to be technically clever save it for the product or service you're providing. The general rule, to ensure your site looks professional, is to use only one font, or up to three (but no more) as long as they are cohesive and professional looking

• Obvious CTA
Generally, visitors land on your site because they are looking for a solution for a problem they have or an answer to a question. Your website must be all about offering them the solution they need by following your call to action, so make it very clear and prominent, don’t bury it at the bottom or make them look for it, chances are they won’t bother

• Prominent contact information
Your sites about giving information and fishing for customers, if you don’t make it clear and easy for them to contact you they probably won’t bother

• Don’t have Distractions
Video and digital media are a great way to get your message through, but use it wisely. Do not have pop ups and auto play features as these are distracting, annoying and sometimes frustrating, things you don’t want to do for your visitors. If your site is totally visual place it on YouTube

• Proofread and edit your Website
There is nothing that detracts from a web design on The Gold Coast as much as spelling, grammatical and editorial mistakes. Once you have finished your web designing, do something else for a while to clear your mind, then proof read correct any mistakes.