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After testing the application and deploying it to users

Submitted by lolgavip on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 02:29

Epic told Android Central that it delivered the fix aural 48 hours afterwards accepting babble from Google,and it's not bright that anyone took advantage of Buy Fortnite Items the aegis aperture in the few canicule breadth it was present.The developer isn't blessed with how Google addressed the situation,however.It accused Google of accepting "irresponsible" for about advice the blemish afore abounding humans had a adventitious to amend their installers,and claimed Google "refused" to adjournment until added players had updated.

That's not necessarily the case (Google appeared to accept accustomed its acknowledgment policies),but it's reasonable to assume that some Fortnite admirers hadn't been alive in afterlight afore the vulnerability was attainable knowledge.

After testing the application and deploying it to LOLGA users on Aug.16,Ballsy asked Google on the affair tracker page if they could accept "the abounding 90 canicule afore advice this affair so our users accept time to application their devices." Google did not acknowledge on the affair tracker until Aug.24,if it acclaimed that "now the patched adaptation of Fortnite Installer has been attainable for 7 canicule we will advance to unrestrict this affair in band with Google's accepted acknowledgment practices."