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B.Sc Radiology - Course Details And Jobs In India

Graduate study in the Bachelor of Science in Radiology (B.Sc. Radiology) lasts three years. It is a paramedical course for students who desire to work in the field of radiation diagnostics. The majority of patients' illnesses that affect their internal organs are treated by radiologists. Cancer treatment also makes use of radiography.In radiology, CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs are used. To comprehend the problems with the internal organs, it includes scanning the body. Students of radiology are taught how to use radiographic imaging to gather important patient data.Students who have earned a B.Sc. in radiography may pursue advanced degrees such as an M.Phil., M.S., or a Phd. Additionally, it creates several employment chances for people who want to work as radiology technicians, assistant radiologists, radiographers, medical image analysts, etc.