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Is Child Marriage Still Prevalent in India?

Child marriage is a deeply concerning issue that has persisted in various parts of the world for centuries. Despite efforts to combat this harmful practice, it continues to be prevalent in some regions, including India. In this article, we will explore the current state of child marriage in India, its causes, consequences, and the ongoing efforts to eradicate it.

Understanding Child Marriage

What is Child Marriage?

Child marriage refers to the marriage or union of individuals below the age of 18. It is a violation of human rights and often involves young girls being married off to older men. This practice denies children their childhood and exposes them to numerous risks and challenges.

Prevalence in India

India has made significant progress in reducing child marriage rates over the years. However, it remains one of the countries with the highest number of child brides. According to UNICEF, an estimated 27% of girls in India are married before the age of 18.

Causes of Child Marriage

Social and Cultural Factors

Child marriage in India is deeply rooted in social and cultural norms. Factors such as poverty, lack of education, gender inequality, and traditional practices contribute to its prevalence. In some communities, marrying off girls at a young age is seen as a way to protect their honor or to secure economic stability.

Limited Educational Opportunities

Lack of access to quality education plays a significant role in perpetuating child marriage. When girls are denied the opportunity to attend school, they are more likely to be married off at an early age. Education not only empowers girls but also plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the harms of child marriage.

Consequences of Child Marriage

Health Risks

Child brides face various health risks, both physical and psychological. Early pregnancies pose a significant threat to their health, as their bodies are not fully developed to handle childbirth. Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are more prevalent among child brides, leading to higher maternal and infant mortality rates.

Education and Economic Disadvantage

Child marriage disrupts the education and future prospects of young girls. Once married, they are often forced to drop out of school, limiting their opportunities for personal and economic growth. This perpetuates the cycle of poverty and denies them the chance to reach their full potential.

Gender Inequality and Violence

Child marriage reinforces gender inequality and subjects young girls to violence and abuse. They often lack the agency to make decisions about their own lives, including matters related to their health, education, and personal choices. Child brides are more susceptible to domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and early pregnancies.

Efforts to Combat Child Marriage

Legislative Measures

India has taken several legislative steps to address child marriage. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (2006) criminalizes child marriage and prescribes stringent punishments for offenders. The government has also implemented programs and initiatives to raise awareness and prevent child marriages at the community level.

Empowering Girls and Communities

Educating and empowering girls is crucial in combating child marriage. NGOs, civil society organizations, and governmental agencies are working together to promote girls' education, increase awareness about the negative impacts of child marriage, and provide support and resources to vulnerable communities.

Changing Social Norms

Challenging deep-rooted social norms and traditions is vital to eradicate child marriage. Community-based interventions, advocacy campaigns, and engagement with religious and community leaders are essential in bringing about a shift in mindset and fostering a supportive environment for girls.


Child marriage remains a pressing issue in India, despite efforts to eliminate it. The practice not only violates the rights of children but also perpetuates cycles of poverty and gender inequality. Addressing the root causes of child marriage, such as poverty, lack of education, and social norms, is crucial to effectively combat this harmful practice.


deprive them of the same chances and education
empower underprivileged girls