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DPS maybe until late in the expansion

Anytime there is a big soak mechanic you simply put you Shadow Priest at it and WoTLK Gold will more or less guarantee going to be a part of PvP. This spec also gets majorly enhanced with much better damage CC and survival. They are able to disarm the psychological terror that is the standard AOE terror and silence always had . They've now eliminated dispersion and slowing effects. assure you that you'll get something and if vampiric touches have been dispelled, they'll strike the target in the back with force.

If a Shadow Priest has been able to give up the time they spend on a goal, their health bar disappears completely. extremely scary to play against In this expansion, you'll see them a lot more than you saw in TBC that results in Warlock affliction first What can I say? They begin very strong in tier seven and continue to improve and more afflicted. They also get a very effective Execute phase that is added to drain soul. With health bars getting buffed next by 30% and the pre-nerf plan for Ottawa which will set up extremely well. They will continue to get better as the expansion goes on and should always be at the top.

DPS maybe until late in the expansion. When the melee is beginning to show shadow morn at a base level , I'd say affliction is fairly straightforward to get excellent results by maintaining a number of dots pressing on horns and using your filler spell. However, you can achieve a rather impressive Maxi using this speck buy WoTLK Classic Gold, snapshotting weapon swapping for buffs and others. There's lots of optimization work to be done with this speck.