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EMDR Consultant-in-Training: Navigating the Path to Becoming a Certified Consultant


EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a groundbreaking therapy that has revolutionized the way we approach trauma treatment. At the heart of this transformative approach lies the role of an EMDR consultant. These skilled professionals provide guidance, support, and mentorship to therapists seeking certification in EMDR.

Becoming a certified EMDR consultant is not only a prestigious achievement but also opens up new doors for personal growth and professional development. In this blog post, we will explore the exciting journey towards becoming an EMDR Consultant-in-Training (CIT) and discover how you can navigate this path with confidence.

So if you're ready to embark on a fulfilling journey that combines your passion for helping others with your desire to expand your therapeutic skills, then keep reading! Becoming an EMDR consultant may be just the right step for you.

The benefits of becoming a certified EMDR consultant

Becoming a certified EMDR consultant is an exciting and rewarding journey. It offers numerous benefits for both your professional development and personal growth. As a certified consultant, you gain recognition within the field of EMDR therapy, positioning yourself as an expert in this specialized area.

One of the key benefits of becoming a certified EMDR consultant is the opportunity to mentor and guide other therapists on their own EMDR journey. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can make a significant impact on their clinical practice and help them enhance their skills in using EMDR effectively with clients.

Additionally, being a certified consultant allows you to expand your network by connecting with other professionals in the field. This opens up opportunities for collaboration, consultation, and further learning from experienced colleagues who share your passion for EMDR therapy.

Furthermore, certification as an EMDR consultant elevates your credibility as a therapist. It demonstrates that you have met rigorous standards set by professional organizations like the International Association of Trauma Professionals (IATP) or the Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA). This can lead to increased referrals from clients seeking experts trained in utilizing this powerful therapeutic approach.

Becoming a certified EMDR consultant offers numerous benefits including mentoring opportunities, expanded networking possibilities, and heightened professional credibility among peers and potential clients alike.

Requirements for becoming an EMDR Consultant-in-Training (CIT)

Becoming an EMDR Consultant-in-Training is a significant step towards achieving certification as an EMDR consultant. This role requires dedication, knowledge, and a commitment to the practice of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy.

To begin your journey as a CIT, you must first be fully trained in EMDR therapy and have completed all levels of training. This includes both basic training and advanced specialized training such as working with children or complex trauma.

In addition to completing the necessary training, you will need to accumulate a specific number of clinical hours using EMDR therapy with clients. The exact requirement may vary depending on your location or certifying body, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines.

Another crucial aspect of becoming a CIT is finding a qualified supervisor who can guide you through this process. Your supervisor should be an experienced EMDR consultant and able to provide supervision that meets the requirements set forth by your certifying body.

During your time as a CIT, it's essential to document all your clinical experiences using EMDR therapy and maintain clear records of your hours worked. These records will be reviewed during the certification process, so accuracy is vital.

Obtaining feedback from clients and peers about your competency in delivering EMDR therapy can greatly enhance your growth as a practitioner. Seeking out opportunities for consultation or participating in peer support groups can help you further develop your skills.

Becoming an EMDR Consultant-in-Training requires dedication, hard work, and ongoing commitment to professional development. However, this path offers numerous rewards - not only does it allow you to deepen your understanding of this powerful therapeutic approach but also gives you the chance to mentor future generations of clinicians seeking expertise in EMDR therapy.

Finding a qualified supervisor for CIT hours

Finding a qualified supervisor for CIT hours is an important step in the journey toward becoming a certified EMDR consultant. This individual will play a crucial role in guiding and supporting you as you gain the necessary experience and knowledge to become an effective consultant.

It's essential to ensure that your supervisor is experienced and knowledgeable in EMDR therapy. Look for someone who has completed their certification as an EMDR consultant and has ample experience working with clients using this therapeutic approach.

Additionally, consider finding a supervisor who aligns with your personal values and therapeutic style. Building a strong rapport with your supervisor can greatly enhance the learning experience and facilitate open communication throughout the training process.

Don't be afraid to reach out to colleagues or professional networks for recommendations on potential supervisors. Word-of-mouth referrals can often lead you to highly qualified individuals who have a good reputation within the field.

Once you've identified potential supervisors, take the time to interview them before making a decision. Ask about their supervision style, availability, fees, and any specific requirements they may have for supervision sessions.

Remember that finding a qualified supervisor is not just about meeting the minimum requirements set forth by EMDRIA (EMDR International Association). It's about finding someone who will support your growth as an EMDR therapist and help cultivate your unique strengths in this modality.

By investing time into finding the right supervisor, you are setting yourself up for success as an EMDR Consultant-in-Training. Their guidance will contribute significantly to shaping your expertise in EMDR therapy while providing invaluable support along the way

Completing the CIT training and exam process

Completing the CIT training and exam process is a crucial step toward becoming a certified EMDR consultant. This phase of your journey will solidify your knowledge and skills in providing effective EMDR therapy to clients for more info visit

During the CIT training, you will delve deeper into the theory and practice of EMDR therapy. You will learn advanced techniques, case conceptualization, and how to adapt EMDR for different populations or presenting issues. The training may involve workshops, seminars, supervision sessions, and self-study modules.

Once you have completed the required training hours, it's time to take the exam. This exam assesses your understanding of key concepts in EMDR therapy and evaluates your ability to apply these principles in clinical scenarios. It's important to thoroughly prepare for this exam by reviewing the study materials provided during your training program.

Successfully passing the CIT examination demonstrates that you have attained a high level of competence in practicing EMDR therapy. It validates your expertise as an emerging consultant-in-training within the field.

Keep in mind that completing the CIT training and exam process is just one milestone on your path toward certification as an EMDR consultant. After this stage, there are ongoing requirements such as maintaining continuing education credits and engaging in regular consultation with more experienced consultants.

However challenging it may be at times, remember that each step brings you closer to becoming a fully certified EMDR consultant—a role where you can make a profound impact on individuals' lives by facilitating their healing journeys through trauma resolution using this powerful therapeutic modality.

Maintaining certification as an EMDR consultant

Maintaining certification as an EMDR consultant is a crucial aspect of your professional journey. It ensures that you stay updated with the latest advancements in EMDR therapy and continue to provide high-quality care to your clients.

One important requirement for maintaining certification is participating in ongoing consultation and continuing education. This allows you to refine your skills, learn new techniques, and stay connected with the EMDR community. By engaging in regular consultation sessions, you can receive guidance from experienced consultants who can help deepen your understanding of the therapy and address any challenges you may encounter.

Another vital component of maintaining certification is adhering to ethical guidelines set by professional organizations such as the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). These guidelines ensure that you maintain a high standard of practice, prioritize client safety, and uphold confidentiality at all times.

Additionally, staying informed about research developments within the field is essential for maintaining certification. Engaging in scholarly activities such as reading journal articles or attending conferences can help expand your knowledge base and enhance your effectiveness as a consultant.

Self-care plays a critical role in maintaining certification. As an EMDR consultant, it's important to prioritize your well-being so that you can show up fully present for each client session. Implementing self-care practices like exercise, meditation, or seeking supervision for personal growth will not only benefit you but also positively impact those under your guidance.

Overall, maintaining certification requires dedication to continuous learning and development. By investing time and effort into these key areas - ongoing consultation, adherence to ethical standards, diligent research, and self-care-, you'll be able to sustain excellence in providing effective trauma treatment through EMDR therapy

Tips for Success in the Role of an EMDR Consultant-in-Training

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset: As an EMDR consultant-in-training, it's crucial to approach your role with a growth mindset. Be open to learning and growing throughout the entire journey. Seek feedback from your supervisor and colleagues, and be willing to make adjustments as needed.

2. Prioritize Self-Care: The work of an EMDR consultant can be emotionally demanding, so self-care is essential. Make sure you're taking time for yourself regularly, engaging in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. This will help prevent burnout and enable you to show up fully for your clients.

3. Build Strong Rapport with Clients: Developing a strong rapport with clients is vital in any therapeutic setting, especially as an EMDR consultant-in-training. Take the time to establish trust and create a safe space where clients feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

4. Stay Current on Research & Best Practices: EMDR therapy is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay updated on the latest research and best practices in the field. Attend conferences, participate in workshops or webinars, and engage in ongoing professional development opportunities.

5. Seek Supervision & Consultation: Throughout your training process, seek supervision from qualified professionals who can provide guidance and support as you navigate complex cases or challenging situations. Consulting with experienced clinicians can offer valuable insights that enhance your skills as a consultant.

6. Network with Peers: Building relationships with fellow trainees or certified consultants can be incredibly beneficial both personally and professionally.


Embarking on the path to becoming a certified EMDR consultant is not only a professionally rewarding endeavor but also a deeply fulfilling journey. As you progress through the required training and accumulate CIT hours, you will gain invaluable knowledge and experience that will shape your career in the field of trauma therapy.

While it may seem like a challenging undertaking, remember that with dedication, perseverance, and the guidance of a qualified supervisor, you can successfully navigate this path. By meeting all the requirements for certification as an EMDR consultant-in-training, you will develop expertise in using EMDR therapy techniques and be able to provide crucial support to both clients undergoing treatment and fellow therapists seeking consultation.

Becoming an EMDR consultant offers numerous benefits. Not only does it enhance your professional standing within the field of trauma therapy, but it also allows you to contribute to ongoing research and advancements in EMDR practice. As a certified consultant, you have the opportunity to mentor other therapists on their journeys toward mastery of EMDR therapy techniques.

It is essential to find a qualified supervisor who can guide you through your CIT hours. This individual should possess extensive experience as an EMDR therapist while also having completed additional training specific to supervision. Your supervisor will serve as both mentor and evaluator during this process, ensuring that you meet all necessary competencies before advancing further.

Completing the CIT training program involves attending workshops or webinars designed specifically for consultants-in-training. These programs offer advanced instruction on specialized topics such as case conceptualization, advanced processing techniques, ethical considerations in consultation sessions, and diversity issues within trauma work - just some examples among many others! Additionally completing an exam at the end acts final assessment where one must demonstrate their understanding skills related directly back to key concepts covered throughout these workshops/webinars!