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Extreme loss weight can affect the muscle

Submitted by alenalbert on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 23:30

Do not be happy if you succeed in losing weight a lot in a short time. This method can actually make the muscles become weak.

In a study conducted by researchers from Maastricht University, the Netherlands, found that if you lose weight too fast, then you will also lose more muscle. This is of course when compared with weight loss is done more slowly and reasonably.

In this study, researchers involved about 47 respondents, who were then divided into two groups. The first group was asked to apply an extreme low-calorie diet of about 500 calories per day, for five weeks. While the other group was given a diet of 1200 calories per day, for 12 weeks.

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After the time is over, both groups are both experiencing weight loss, with numbers that are not too far away. It's just that, researchers found that groups that apply extreme diet decreased more muscle mass.

"The loss of fat-free or higher-muscle mass is detrimental to overall health," said study authors Roel Vink and Marleen van Baak, excerpted from News Max Health.

The authors also explained that the loss of muscle mass in this low-calorie diet group occurs generally as soon as they complete the diet program. This is likely because they have a great decrease in water intake and glycogen (a natural form of sugar in the body).

Therefore, the research team also recommends you to pay more attention to the intake of calories and water when trying to lose weight. Carelessly cutting calories in order to appear slimmer faster is not a good solution, especially for the muscles and body functions as a whole.

This study was presented at a meeting of the European Congress on Obesity in Bulgaria some time ago.

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