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How to Create Google AdSense Account

Interested to earn more revenue from your Internet website by Google AdSense? This guide from Instant Help Zilla helps to create Google AdSense account, so you can begin earning by displaying relevant and appealing ads besides your website content. When ready, follow this article on how to. create Google AdSense account
What do You Need to Create Google AdSense Account

The followings are the prerequisite if you want to create Google AdSense account:

1. Contents those You Own and Unique in Nature

Your content could be your website, blog, or any other source of unique content and you are the owner. Your contents need to comply with AdSense Program Policies.

2. A Google Account

You will need one Google account to subscribe to AdSense. If you use any Google services, you already have a Google account.

However, if you don’t have one, do not worry as signing up to AdSense will guide you through creating one.

Steps to Create Google AdSense Account

Follow these simple steps from Instant Help Zilla to create Google AdSense account:

1. Log in to Google AdSense center using your account.
2. Now, choose the Get Started option.
3. To show ads on your website, type in the complete URL to your site.
4. Now, type in your email address.
5. For AdSense customized help and performance suggestions, choose appropriate boxes.
6. Tap on Save and Continue.
7. Log in to the Google account and choose the country of origin.
8. You need to review and agree to AdSense Terms & Conditions.
Select Create Account to complete the process.

Wrapping Up

Some of the fields in your AdSense account may show inactive. You need to complete a few tasks from Google to activate those. Therefore, to earn extra income from your website, create Google AdSense account by following Instant Help Zilla instructions. For more help on the AdSense account, keep visiting Instant Help Zilla.