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How do you test for joint pain?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 09/01/2021 - 20:06

Over the course of life, joints wear out: the substance of cartilage, which allows joints to function smoothly, fibrillates and breaks down. In some patients it happens earlier, in others later. Then someday complaints will appear. This is how osteoarthritis becomes noticeable.
Signs of joint wear
The joints suffer more wear and tear than they should, bringing with it a large number of ailments and symptoms. The joint wear damages the protective layer, cartilage and sometimes underlying bone. This condition most often occurs in the hands, shoulder, knee, or hip joints.
After sitting for a long time, your limbs somehow feel rusty, and you feel like it takes a while to get going. Other times it hurts when you've been on your feet for a long time. And how do you find yourself climbing the stairs? If you often have pain in these situations, this could be a sign of wear and tear on your joints, known as: osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is a typical sign of aging. It increases after middle age. In most cases, we have overworked our joints for many years. But using too much of the joints also damages them. It is a matter of getting the balance right. And once osteoarthritis has started, there are ways and means to help you improve your condition. You can get information about natural remedies to treat osteoarthritis.
Exertion causes pain
In the early stages of osteoarthritis, joints only hurt when they are stressed. Initially, the pain appears especially in unusual efforts: the brief impulse to take the bus or the longer stairs can be painful suddenly.
Pain in daily life
Later, pain also arises in everyday stress. These pains, at first, hardly limit daily activities. When the person gets up again after sitting or lying down for a long time, the pain is present, but after a few steps, the pain disappears again. Then it reappears only after long breaks. Also, the muscles feel tired.
Stiffness and inflammation
Symptoms often affect not only the joint itself, but also the surrounding muscles. In some patients, the affected joints swell. Also, osteoarthritis patients often find their diseased joints stiff.
Painful nights
Only in the later stages of the disease is pain noticeable even at rest. Chronic pain torments the affected person, especially at night. Therefore, sleep disorders are common in advanced osteoarthritis.
Joints in bad position
As osteoarthritis progresses, the structure of the joint changes: the affected joints can only move in a limited way. Some stiffen in a bad position. Additionally, detached cartilage fragments can slip into the joint space and suddenly block movement.
Crackling in the joint
Severely worn gaskets are also noticeable by noise. They appear when the joint can no longer be guided normally. Then one can perceive noise of friction or cracks of fine or coarse grains in the movement of the joints.
You must keep moving
Despite the possible pain, preserving osteoarthritis is not a good idea, it actually speeds up the breakdown process. Only when the joints move is a lubricating substance produced, called synovial fluid. This fluid reduces friction in the joint and provides nutrients to the cartilage. The ideal is uniform movements in which the joint is lightly loaded, for example, exercises such as swimming, cycling, Nordic walking and gymnastics.

Detoxification (detox) is essentially the process of ridding your body of toxins. Originating from treatment used in drug and alcohol recovery, the concept of detoxification has crept into the diet world, applying a similar approach to potential toxins in food and the environment. A detox diet typically involves fasting, various herbal supplements, laxatives, and other methods used to flush your system.