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How to Optimize Ecommerce Landing Page

Submitted by nhogugu on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 08:38

The landing page is designed to have one goal: to turn visitors into solid prospects and buyers. A good e-commerce landing page design will bring more wholesale websites conversions, more sales and more profit.
In e-commerce, a 1% overall conversion rate is considered an average.
By investing in the time and resources required to optimize your current e-commerce landing page, you can use your existing website traffic to double or triple your revenue.
If you've designed an ecommerce landing page, the tips and tricks in this article will help you optimize your store, resulting in more conversions to potential customers or direct sales.
Make eye-catching headlines
The title is the first thing a visitor will see. Make sure it's big, bold and easy to read. Take Nike as an example. Their campaign landing page has a simple but powerful message that you can't miss. This approach may not work for little-known products, but bold and violating the rules will make your products stand out and attract the attention of potential customers.
When using a title, make sure you don't use industry terminology unless you clearly know that your target audience will understand it. Experiment with CoSchedule's Title Analyzer to find the perfect combination of emotion, power and urgency vocabulary to help you create compelling headlines.
To find out the power vocabulary and tips on how to generate powerful titles, be sure to check SumoMe's Power Words Cheatsheet and Buffer's Ultimate Headline Formulas.
Use stunning images
Just look at the gorgeous image of the floating iPad.
The combination of eye-catching headlines and stunning images can appeal to the emotional aspects of the client, thus illuminating their strong desire to act. Powerful images can outdo thousands of words.
Jacob Nielsen's usability test proves that people are very concerned about the picture. When talking about people, photos of real people get a lot of attention, while over-photographed photos are mostly ignored.
If you are looking for top photos on the landing page, check out Stocksy, Unsplash, Stock Up and StockSnap.
Use a lot of negative space
A negative space (often called a blank space) is the space around and between the elements of a page or image. Using negative space helps to build a hierarchy, clean up the layout, and draw attention to certain elements of the landing page.
Increase the spacing in the current landing page, don't be afraid to make room for the layout as it will significantly improve the emphasis on the title, product image or call-to-action button. Just look at the Oculus Rift landing page and how much negative it has to emphasize the product and call-to-action buttons.
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