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How to survive the two-week wait after IVF?

After IVF treatment at the Best IVF Center in Bihar, the two-week wait between implantation and the first pregnancy test is the most nerve-wracking part of the process. Those two weeks are going to be the longest two weeks of your life. You may feel apprehensive, nervous, eager, or worn out throughout this time. During this time, finding ways to relax your body and calm your thoughts can be beneficial. Here are some tips which will make your two weeks survival more pleasant.

  • Make an appointment for acupuncture treatment: Research has found a link between acupuncture and IVF effectiveness. Depending on the number of appointments per year, Acupuncture sessions are often covered in full or in part by insurance companies. For those who cannot afford acupuncture, check with local acupuncture clinics to find out if they offer group sessions. 
  • Take Care of Your Body: By keeping an eye on your expectations, you'll be able to have more control over your mood. In this way, you will be able to approach the process realistically and obtain peace of mind. While it's vital to keep your mind off of what's going on in your body, it's crucial to tell your doctor if you see anything out of the ordinary.
  • Immerse yourself in activities that you love: It's a good idea to surround yourself with activities you enjoy throughout this period. Pastimes such as reading books, watching movies, painting, playing video games, etc., are fantastic ways to relax. Light activity, such as walking, some aerobic exercises, might help you feel better and keep you healthy while you're waiting for your test results to come back.
  • Don't forget to take your medicine The fertility medicines that your doctor will prescribe are crucial to the success of IVF. Don't forget to take all of your medications as directed. If you don't, your chances of getting implanted will reduce. 

Make an appointment with Dr. Rashmi Prasad at Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre to know more about IVF and other treatments. You will receive compassionate guidance and support from expert doctors of Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre along your journey to parenthood.