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It just spoke about changes that were made to franchise style

Submitted by Kingang on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 15:34

In general, the only cool thing that I see is following gen stats. I love this addition. We are going to see how it is in game butif done correctly, it provides a deeper level of immersotivity and analysis you want to see. Really trendy and props to EA for it. Still not buying Madden since the gameplay will be no distinct and neither will any other aspect of franchise style but they finally added a worthy back of the box attribute. Fantastic job. You did a simple requirement of video games. In a game that's already both dominated and crippled by canned contextual animations, they are tripling down on that strategy with player particular canned contextual animations. There are 2 phases to Madden gameplay: cartoons, and the sport looking for animations. Absolutely everything that happens in this game between animations is your sport hunting (sometimes in vain) for that which cartoon to do next.

I finally got around to upgrading this file thanks to a few reddit members who reached out to me and helped me out by providing me the newest excel export files because I am still on Madden 20 lol. I hope more people can appreciate it this time around. It is easy to set-up but you need to have the madden 20 companion app and Microsoft 2013 or later because enabling powerpivot and power query function is demanded. Fantastic stuff, I am blown away. I used to manually loading my own franchise information in an excel spreadsheet when enjoying previous Maddens. You have made this INCREDIBLY less tedious. I was for sure thinking of skipping Madden this year in protest of deficiency of franchise developments, but you have honestly inspired me. I want to purchase it only for what you've implemented here.

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