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Practice this after exercise and increase calories burning

Submitted by alenalbert on Thu, 05/20/2021 - 00:07

Drinking water is the best way to replenish fluids that come out through sweat after exercise.

However, a number of experts from the American College of Sports Medicine recommend that people who are just exercising drink cold water.

Check out the benefits of drinking cold water during exercise and safe tips as follows:

our body will experience an increase in core temperature during exercise, after which body fluids will be released through sweat.

This increase in core body temperature can sometimes hinder endurance or strength training.

Well, drinking cold water can help keep your core temperature from rising quickly. So, sports performance is maintained steadily.

Some people find drinking cold water during exercise better than drinking water at room temperature.

With a more seductive taste, a person tends to drink more and drink water more often.

That way, dehydration can be prevented. Not only affects sports performance, dehydration can also interfere with health.

The body expends more energy to convert cold water temperature to body temperature.

The calorie burning effect is not big, but it does have an effect. About five to 18 calories are burned when we drink a glass of cold water.

The benefits of drinking cold water during exercise in terms of helping burn calories are insignificant and cannot be used as a substitute for exercise.

If the type of exercise is light and the time is less than an hour, people are better advised to drink cold water or drink cold water with lemon juice. Avoid too much sugar because it can hoard calories.

avoid drinking cold water during exercise if your health condition is not excellent. Like when you have the flu, colds, migraines, or indigestion.

Drinking cold water when exercising but not in good condition can actually make health problems worse.

you can also practice Healthguideblog after running the exercise too