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The Runescape game that works hard to upgrade

Submitted by Kingang on Sun, 04/25/2021 - 16:13

As soon as your target moves from one area to another you'd find a message telling you that you aim has moved to whichever area it's they moved to. Bounty loacate would still utilize this system because teleports you within a certain distance of them. Maybe they wouldnt need to eliminate the caves maybe we could use both? Provide us the choice BUT if we get both then using the full wilderness would need to be members as it is quite a big extra.

And yet another thing to add can be veiw orbs these will work simliar to those at clan wars besides they could reveal where your target is. Those wouldnt work if you'd only used the bounty find spell as this would give too much advantage. Please dont flame me concerning this topic. Constuctive critisism is good as long as it really is consturctive.

A Fourth Bounty Hunter Crater. My combat level is 30, so I must use the low level crater, which is combat levels 3-55. However, in there, it's WAY too hazardous. Why? Well if you moved into the low level crater, you may observe that most of the people are level 50+. The thing is: people remain level 55 on goal just to get an advantage to kill everyone.

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