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There were a lot of people who were concerned

Compare GW2 with other MMOs. The game, however, is very WOW Classic Burning Crusade Gold cooperative due to its basic game design. However, the socialization is not particularly... well not in the real sense.

It makes perfect sense. It's true that GW2's savage and speedy combat isn't conducive to socializing in combat, which means it's not arousing factor at a very basic stage, leading to less interest in socializing overall and extends into all non-combat zones of play. In return, everything is built for open world cooperation, which makes it more effective than in other MMOs.

I'm not certain if it's because of the gcd specificallythat causes this, (at minimum, not when content with more than 60 or 70) however, I agree with the general notion of socializing growing more frequent as the game becomes more difficult this is the main reason why people consider classic wow more social. Most people claim it is due to the lack of duty finder. I disagree as it isn't my opinion to consider spamming chat with lfg as being social, but what did the game have that encouraged socializing was a lot of down time . You can feel this in FF14 and Eureka that was extremely social due to the amount of amount of time you spend creating no-names (NM's) or playing Prae by watching the cutscenes.

There were a lot of people who were concerned about the influx of new players that the WOW migration was likely to bring, and what sorts of people they might be. Every time I come across some of these posts by an earlier WOW veteran, I feel inspired and eager to travel back in time and tell them, do not worry! There will be some bad eggs. They've always been. There was already a few in the FFXIV community. There are many more good ones. Numerous sprouts are searching for the same thrilling adventure everyone has had the pleasure of sharing.

But there are devs and mods who, on a different scale, dissuade players from coming down hard on rudeand violent conduct. This has resulted in players who aren't willing to tolerate such behavior. They also report bad eggs quickly and it all gets re-feeding back into.

A new player brought up a great point as I've heard that I don't read his posts - that the FFXIV storyline actually encourages its culture. Instead of a story where two players from different factions are at war this is a story which promotes forgiveness and unity even in the face conflict. The truth is, when our biggest corporations fight, it's really simply a game in which when you're hit, you're hit with the dodgeball (Fire IV is the dodgeball. There is no buy wow TBC gold dodging the dodgeball.) You'll be reminded enough times by the ref that you must return to the starting area before rejoining this battle. It's refreshing!