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There's a chance that a solution to this issue is in the works

Okay, this could actually become one of the most hilarious D2R Items gaming stories I've heard in the last year and also a great chef's kiss moment for the gacha/p2w market, with one of the worst offenders, Diablo Immortal.

It's been estimated that it could take upwards of $100,000 to full the maximum of a single character in Diablo Immortal by gambling on and leveling rare gems however, very few players actually went and gambled the amount. At least, someone did, but now it appears that he has spent enough to make his character as powerful as it is possible to make, that the game's PvP matchmaking system is unable to locate anyone to match him against.

The same thing happened to Jtisallbusiness who spent $100,000 to maximize his Barbarian as high as he could however, he ended having so many wins and the game just...stopped beating him all the time because of his ridiculous MMR and he claims that he'll wait for up to 72 hours awaiting an opportunity to play. The video below was posted by Jtisallbusiness asking if he could try to get a refund on the $100K account as this part of the game hasn't worked for him and, in effect. The account is currently averaging 1.5K liked and 15,000 dislikings, which indicates that the player isn't finding an audience that is sympathetic to his situation:

There's a chance that a solution to this issue is in the works according to Blizzard has expressed concern about the fact that certain players are unable to find matches in Battleground PvP After one month d2r items for sale, Jitsallbusiness stated that Blizzard finally got back to him regarding it. However, it's not clear what happens if they begin playing him again with such a good character and whether it's possible that he'll lose the amount he's put into. The commenters on the site said that when this incident was taking place, this could be the result in the event that you "win" in a pay-to-win-win-win-win-win-win-.