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Tips to choose website migration services

Submitted by sysiz on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 01:19

Very intuitively, the temporary or permanent migration process is a website transfer that takes various forms, as you will see; this is a delicate aspect because, when performed incorrectly. It can compromise the SEO management of the site, causing damage to organic traffic and the relevance acquired over time on search engines. It also generates difficulties for users and their user experience, leading them to suddenly navigate to a different and problematic site in some respects.
Why do website migration?
Many reasons can push you to transfer a site or completely redesign it. Among the most frequent, they mention the transition to the HTTPS protocol, the need for a rebranding and a new corporate identity. The choice of making the site faster and more mobile-friendly or the emergence of new digital marketing objectives that can be reached precisely with a change of strategy.

What are the types of site migrations?
A site transfer can be performed independently by Wordpress Plugin Developer- obviously having the essential knowledge and skills - or entrusted to an external agency. The various types of migration can be carried out individually or simultaneously.
Website transfer, the simplest and most common types
The simplest type of migration is domain change or rebranding (including extension transformation); also, the graphic migration and restyling of the site layout should not involve particular risks, just as the migration process from HTTP to HTTPS should now be smooth.
Site migrations of medium difficulty
A greater level of complexity is reserved for other types of Website Migration Services, such as that of the URLs, the architecture of the contents or the servers that host the site. The transfer of the URLs concerns precisely the modifications to the addresses, paths and structure of the internal URLs of the same site.
Web Migration is necessary when the categories are reorganized; therefore, it is necessary to move the articles and products under the new hierarchies. Finally, server transfer or hosting and IP address migration occur when it is decided to change one of these parameters for technical, reliability or practical reasons.
The transfer of CMS, the most complex migration for SEO
The most difficult case is that of migration from one CMS to another CMS, for example, the transfer of the site from WordPress to Joomla or vice versa, or again from .asp to .php and so on, following evaluations on the best CMS. In this case, the most critical aspect on the technical front is the radical change of addresses which can cause a long list of 404 status codes. 

How to perform a CMS migration safely?
In the preventive phase, Wordpress Website Maintenance Services are necessary to back up the old product database and the old Rules. At the same time, on the practical front, it is advisable to create a code script that "queries the old database. You find a common element (e.g. SKU code, product name, etc.); query the new database; perform a 301 redirect to the new URL". At the end of this process, it is necessary to verify that everything is correctly transported to the new addresses.