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Visualizing the Life You Want

Myibets, Review 
Think about what you do every morning to go to work. You wake up; picture your place of work and either roll back to sleep or jump up, ready for action. You picture, in your mind, what you have to do for the day, either dreading it or looking forward to it. You are picturing your outcome for the day ahead. You do this with almost everything you do day to day.
The thing is when we have pictures in our head and dread the image we are never going to have a good day and we leave our days in the hands of fate. If you took 10 minutes out of your day, don't say you don't have the time because that's just not true and you know it, we could have a great day, a great week, a great month, a great year and ultimately a great year.
A lot of people are concentrating so much on what they don't want that they are attracting more of what they don't want. I was talking with a friend the a few weeks ago and he told me his son was always getting into trouble at school and seemed to attract children who wanted a fight. During the conversation it was clear that his son was always on his guard in case someone picked on him or bumped into him.

My friend told me his son always had a scowl on his face and looked angry all the time, another reason he was attracting attention to himself. I got a chance to speak with my friend's son and he did indeed have a scowl. We spoke about his problems at school and he told me what my friend had told me. I asked the boy of he could try something for me.