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Ways to copy and paste on chrome book

Nowadays, the computer and 1&1 webmail has become indispensable for many people since it is the primary means of work in many sectors. But in addition to the professional leundefinedvel, personal computers are undoubtedly an essential means of communication and content creation. That is why knowing how to perform crucial functions is very important.
Chromebook is one of the most valuable options when we want to have light and cheap systems since all its use is based on the cloud; therefore, it is necessary to enter a Google account for its use.
Once we access the system, we will have various options as if we were working in front of our browser. On the other hand, one of the everyday actions is to copy and paste text or pictures, and for all Windows or macOS users, this is an easy task. Still, sometimes some New Chromebook users are unclear on the various options to accomplish this task. One can find the steam disk write error solution by searching on Chromebook.
Chromebooks are very versatile laptops. Chromebooks don't use much storage space because they use cloud storage for most file retention.
The keyboard shortcuts and commands are different from most Windows and macOS. This article will show you how to copy and paste on a Chromebook.
Below you come to know how to copy and paste on Chromebook
Learn to copy and paste on a Google laptop using the Trackpad
One of the most used functions on every computer is copying and pasting text and images. The uses that can be given to this tool are practically infinite since we can copy all kinds of text, in all types of fonts, with all kinds of sizes, and paste it into almost any text box.
As you well know, Chromebooks are laptops with a Google operating system, one different from the classic Windows or MacOs that we all know, but their commands are not so different from the others. To copy a text on a Chromebook, you only have to follow three simple steps:
We will proceed to select the text that we want to copy; we can achieve this by clicking on the beginning of the text to be copied and leaving this button pressed until the moment in which we finish copying the text, which we will copy by dragging the cursor over the entire text and select the text.
Another way to do it is with the mouse, selecting the text, giving 'Right Click', displaying the options menu and clicking on 'Copy'.
Finally, you will have to paste your text into any text box that allows it. You will do this by typing Control + V, and that's it. You can also repeat the process of right-clicking, displaying the Menu and selecting 'Paste'.
So if you are new to the Chromebook, you can learn how to copy-paste in chrome book using the above steps. These steps make you're working easy on Chromebook.