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What are 10 ways to keep your heart healthy?

Submitted by fionabasil on Mon, 10/11/2021 - 21:03

Healthy blood vessels are vital. They provide the organs with nutrients. If the arteries calcify, the risk of various diseases increases. Because calcification is initially uncomfortable and may go unnoticed, it is important to know and avoid risk factors.
Factors that harm our arteries
Our blood vessels carry blood and therefore oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. They must be open and elastic so that the blood reaches all the organs and each cell of the body. Martin Halle, Medical Director of the Center for Prevention and Sports Medicine at the Technical University of Munich, names the greatest enemies of the arteries, as well as four ways to keep them healthy and elastic.
1. Smoking destroys vascular cells
Even the nicotine in a cigarette ensures that the vessels contract and that certain regions of the body no longer receive blood, which does not last long. However, smoking damages the vessels in the long term. Because it attacks the inner layer of the vessels. The cells in this lining layer die. This creates holes and scars.
2. Blood sugar dissolves vascular cells
High blood sugar damages the inner wall of your vessels just like a cigarette, who specializes in cardiology, internal medicine and sports medicine.
Diabetics and pre-diabetics with permanently high blood sugar destroy the protective coating on their blood vessels.
3. Cholesterol hardens vessels
Equally risky are consistently high cholesterol levels. Because cholesterol is deposited under the vascular cells and forms small islands that harden the arteries.
4. Hypertension causes blood vessels to break
If the vessels are already damaged, permanently high blood pressure is more dangerous. It pumps blood with greater pressure against the walls of the vessels, which can tear.
If several components hit it, the risk of suffering some type of vascular accident will not only increase, but also increase. This means that anyone who smokes and has diabetes and high blood pressure has a nine times greater risk of vascular disease compared to a non-smoker without diabetes or hypertension.
How to avoid deterioration of blood vessels
Sport keeps our glasses elastic. Because the increased pulse rate during sports stretches the vessels, this initiates certain chemical processes that repair broken cells in the vessel wall. Therefore, sports can not only preventively maintain the health of cells, but can also cure them.
Sports that put pressure on muscles and bones, such as jogging or brisk walks, also release stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. These are the primordial cells of our body, which can transform into different cells. If they get into the blood vessels, they can attach as new vascular cells.
In addition, sport reduces blood sugar levels and, therefore, the risk of diabetes. It makes sense to take two walks a day or an intense sports drive for seven to ten minutes, as long as it makes us sweat.
Maintain your normal weight
Try to reach or maintain a normal body weight. Anyone who is overweight releases more inflammatory substances from fatty tissue into the blood. These damage the inner layer of the vessels.
Diet with unsaturated fatty acids
The relationship between a balanced diet and healthy arteries is proven by some significant studies. But it is important to have a diet with unsaturated fatty acids instead of saturated ones. Saturated fatty acids are "stiff", unsaturated fatty acids are "flexible." Some heal the walls of the vessels, others make them elastic. Hard glasses break much faster than elastic ones.
Liquid products at room temperature consist of unsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil), hard products, saturated fatty acids (butter, lard). Fish, legumes, and whole grains also contain good unsaturated fatty acids.
4. Colorful vegetables
Polyphenols color fruits and vegetables. They make the tomato red, the eggplant purple, and the apple green. They exert a protective mechanism in our cells. Therefore, it is recommended to use several different types of vegetables when cooking, for as colorful a dish as possible.

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