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What is the cause of tooth sensitivity when it comes to cold?

Summer means ice cream, popsicles, and refreshing ice-cold Lemonade. You may feel a sharp pain in your tooth due to sensitive teeth. This happens because the protective layer of tooth enamel may wear away, leaving exposed the inner tooth, called dentin. The nerves are located in the dentin. Tooth sensitivity can occur when the dentin is exposed. To enjoy your favorite cold drinks again, you should first determine the cause.
Why is my tooth sensitive to cold
The most common causes of tooth sensitiveness are:

  • Vigorous brushing: vigorously and using a toothpick are bad habits. Sensitive teeth can be caused by aggressive brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush. Toothpicks are used to remove food residue after meals. Toothpicks can scratch the enamel and cause damage to the teeth.
  • Use an acidic oral rinse: Acidic mouthwashes are similar to acidic meals and can damage tooth enamel. An acidic mouthwash can cause sensitivity to worsen over time.
  • Gum disease or tooth decay: Plaque can build up on your teeth and gums. This is what causes tooth decay and gum disease. Gum disease and tooth decay can cause severe cold-sensitive pain in your teeth, even if you aren't eating or drinking cold foods.
  • Stress and teeth grinding: Tooth grinding can cause cold-sensitive teeth. This is because the enamel is eroded, and nerves are exposed. You should consult a dentist to determine if your teeth are being damaged by grinding.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic can help you to schedule a dental appointment. Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic is always happy to help patients develop healthy habits and learn about their teeth. To make an appointment, contact Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic now.