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When I first started playing Lost Ark

Submitted by MMOgrfy on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 17:01

Keep up to date with our ever-growing number of Lost Ark guides, covering everything from the most effective classes for PvE and PvP to the best way to Lost Ark Gold speedily level up your character as well as how to play with controllers.Lost Ark is a lot of fun. I've played hours and hours of it and I'm eager to play more. However, the most recent smash hit Steam is facing criticism. Steam has come under scrutiny due to the way it portrays female characters.

In particular, the game offers hilarious female-centric animations as well as a lack of options for women besides revealing armor, forces women to wear heels and also uses gender-locked classes. This could have been a problem in 2012. In 2022, it's not only bad, it appears that the people who created this game have neglected the past decade or the debates about the representation of women as well as male game characters.

When I first started playing Lost Ark, I booted into the game and created a paladin called Zack who was a guy. I'm very boring. Even as a male character I noticed that a lot of the female characters around me seemed to be, uh... lacking pants. It's not just me as the only one who noticed. Other players have pointed out the difficulties it poses for an actress playing in Lost Ark to find clothing and gear that actually, it's like, covers your body.

Technically speaking, it's progress however it's odd to force people playing as women to dress mostly naked and with heels. To be crystal clear, I'm fine with people wanting to wear short-shorts or high-heels. Whatever you like and feels good to you I'm in. Additionally, I believe video games should offer options for those who prefer to wear revealing clothing or even super-high heels. However, it's frustrating that , in 2022, we must remind game developers and publishers that women could want a choice in what they wear.

(Quick point: also want to clarify that if you think shorts and heels look cool, attractive, or amazing, I'm going to claim that you're incorrect or to tell you that your opinions are wrong. I'm just soliciting more choices for people of all ages! Imagine the opposite. Imagine if all the clothing was revealing or
Lost Ark Items sexually explicit. It's likely you'd be dissatisfied! That's what a lot of people feel today while loading with Lost Ark.)