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World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade Releasing

In addition to playing the brand new raid, you WOTLK Gold will also be capable of exploring a new zone called Korthia, which is the City of Secrets-- along with a brand-new 8-boss "mega" Dungeon Tazavesh the Veiled Market.

Players can continue their covenant campaigns, with each covenant receiving new story chapters to work through as well as 40 new renown ranks to earn. Flying will become accessible in the Shadowlands to those players who meet the prerequisites, and brand new additions and changes will be added to the rogue-like-inspired, Torghast dungeon as well. 9.1 patch 9.1 will also signal the beginning of the new Arena PvP season.

Patch 9.1 arrives almost a month after the introduction of Burning Crusade Classic, a rerelease of WoW's first expansion that has seen the game's most committed players boosting their level to the expansion's new level cap in only 13 hours.

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Arena Season 1 Starts Now

World of Warcraft : Burning Crusade Classic's debut Arena season is officially in full swing that allows players to test their might against other players in 2v2. 3v3 or 5v5 rated PvP.

By participating in Arena games, players gain Arena points on a weekly basis based on their team's performance. which can then be cashed to purchase powerful weapons and armor. Teams will need to complete at least 10 matches to qualify for points in one week. Additionally, players having to have been a participant in at least 30% of games played that week in order to gain points. The top .5% of players will also earn a Swift Nether Drake Mount, which will only be available for the first time during the Arena season.

World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade Releasing

Arena mode was first introduced into World of Warcraft with the original Burning Crusade buy WOTLK Classic Gold expansion in 2007 and has become an integral feature of the game ever since. As the games evolved, in later releases, players could also compete against each other on Rated Battlegrounds in addition to Arena to gain the most powerful PvP gear.