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Reasons Why You Should Masturbate With your Partner Using Sex Toys

Interpersonal masturbation is exactly what the name suggests: masturbating with your partner! Interpersonal masturbation helps to give each participant complete control over their pleasure.

Just because you're not touching each other doesn't mean it's not sex! Consent is paramount – make sure you are communicating your intentions and expectations to your partner.

You can define mutual masturbation according to you

Learn How to Increase Your Penis Size to Improve Your Sex Life with Your Partner

There will not be a single person on this planet who does not think about his penis enlargement. Which would be a man who does not wish for penis length?

The craving for a large sexual organ has made men so anxious that they are willing to spend a large amount of money to raise it an inch or two. Although some pills and surgical procedures work, most of the so-called penis enlargement treatments do not provide the desired results and they can also be harmful to the body.

Breast Stimulation Toys - Nipple Clamps: You should know everything about it

I was never the one who liked to play with my nipples until I got a nipple clamp. And then everything changed. As if my nipples had become compact again. Now even the slightest pinch affected me, and it used to drive me into sexual insanity. Now even the slightest pinch affected me, and it used to drive me into sexual insanity.

I heard that if you hold them and caress them with love, then the nipples become more sensitive, so I did exactly that. That "rumor" was true, so I pressed them again. Now I started to feel more enjoyable playing with the nipple.


Silicone is the magic word in the sex toys industry. It is great to use for body-safe sex toy options. However, like most of the other things in the world, we don’t really know what we are inserting into our bodies. From the factories or ground to the bedrooms at our homes, we just tend to believe in whatever peculiar procedures gave birth to dildos, pocket pussies, Fleshlight in India, butt plugs, Manforce game use, and much more.

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