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How to handle the pain from a new dental implant

Submitted by nextsmiles on Thu, 02/24/2022 - 02:26

An implant is a replacement tooth anchored into the jaw, usually with screw-like posts. Implants are created from titanium and other materials and are designed to mimic a missing tooth's natural look and feel. The implants can be utilised as an anchor for dentures, bridges or complete implants restored with crowns or caps. A dental implant's long lifespan is often more durable than other restorative work such as dentures due to their stability on the bone tissue over time.

Myths About Dental Implants

Submitted by nextsmiles on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 22:14
  • Implants don’t last long

Not true! Implants are made to last forever if well maintained. However, it is not guaranteed for everyone as every patient is different. But for sure, they can last as long as the owner likes with good care. Good care includes brushing, flossing and seeing a dentist regularly.

Nutrition and Oral Health

Submitted by nextsmiles on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 23:44

Nutrition is essential to our oral health. Some nutritional deficiencies can increase the risk of developing certain oral diseases. To gain and retain nutritional health, you have to consume the necessary vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. If there is an imbalance in your intake, malnutrition will occur.

Recovering From Dental Implant Procedure

Submitted by nextsmiles on Wed, 01/19/2022 - 23:42

After a dental implant procedure, you will require some time to recover. The procedure involves surgery; hence it is very important to rest—some tips on how to speed up your recovery.

  • Rest

Rest help your body heal itself. The tiredness and the feeling of being worn out are just your body telling you to slow down a little bit for it to heal. Pushing yourself to work or exercise will delay your healing.

Traditional Dental Implants vs All-on-4®

Submitted by nextsmiles on Mon, 01/10/2022 - 20:47
  • Traditional Dental Implant

Dental implants are small titanium posts that fit inside the jawbone and replace missing teeth’s root parts. Dental surgery is required to insert the implant into the jaw. Once the implant is inserted, the dentist attaches a tooth-shaped porcelain cap called a crown to your implant.
During the initial procedure, the dentist places the implant into the jawbone. The jawbone is given three to six months to heal. After this period, the implant connects with your jawbone.

Who is Not Suitable for Dental Implants?

Submitted by nextsmiles on Tue, 01/04/2022 - 02:56

Almost anyone who wants to replace a missing tooth, several teeth, or all their teeth is suitable for dental implants. However, some aspects are considered before you are declared eligible for the implants:

  • General health

You must be healthy enough to be suitable for the implants. This is because the process involves minor surgery that happens under sedation.

  • Oral health

Your oral health has to be good. For example, if you have gum disease, it is first treated before the implant procedure.


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