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What is the use of the Dasanat tablet?

Dasanat is an anticancer medication that is used for the treatment of blood cancer. It can treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia and the generic name of the medicine is Dasatinib. It is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and it stops the growth factors.

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What Are the Uses and Benefits of Crizocent 250mg Tablet?

Crizocent tablet is used to treat lung cancer cells. Crizocent 250mg tablet is an anti-cancer cell that blocks the activity of enzymes called tyrosine kinases. These enzymes are majorly responsible for cancer cell growth.

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What are the uses of Imatinib 400mg?

Imatinib 400mg is used for the treatment of blood cancer such as acute lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia. It inhibits the working of protein which is responsible for the growth of cancer cells. It is also used to treat skin tumors and a type of bone marrow condition.

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Buy Online Lenalidomide 10 mg price in India

Lenalidomide is a medicine that affects the working of the immune system. This medicine is used to treat multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome. The dose and duration of the medication depend on the health condition and the response to the medicine of an individual.

What is the price of Fulvestrant Injection 250 mg?

Fulvestrant Injection is the medicine to treat breast cancer in menopausal women. It lowers the production of estrogen levels which leads to a decrease in the growth of cancer cells. The injection is given to the muscles by a trained healthcare professional.

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