Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:
- Permanent Christmas Lights
- Permanent Christmas Lights Canada
- Permanent Holiday Lights
- Permanent Led Christmas Lights
- Permanent Christmas Lights Edmonton
- Permanent Holiday Lighting
- Permanent Outdoor Christmas Lights
- Permanent Christmas Lighting
- Permanent Outdoor Lighting
- Permanent Outdoor Christmas Lights Canada
<strong>Business Type</strong>: Lighting Company
<strong>Address</strong>: 3227 18 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6T 0H2, Canada
<strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+1 ) 780-716-4210
<strong>Description</strong>: Canstar light is a permanent smart lighting solution company. We provide top of the line smart exterior lighting solutions with the best pricing in Alberta. Our permanent holiday/exterior lights are the best in the market with the most advanced technology controller & App. We have different permanent exterior and interior light collections. Canstar offers custom lighting solutions for commercial and residential projects.