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BrainDumps Facts

BrainDumps Facts as soon as you see them by contacting us via our contact form. Check our Vendors Page for the respective NDA Violation Email Contact. If we have not been provided with an appropriate email address or page, from the Certification Vendor our own email address has been substituted. Please contact us regarding the issue and we will forward the information on through the appropriate channels. What are Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)? Although primarily known as "NDAs" amongst the IT Community, they are also known as 'Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs)', 'Exam Candidate Agreements', 'Candidate Conduct Policies', 'Certification Ethics Policy', 'Confidentiality Agreements' and 'Secrecy Agreements'. Whatever you like to call them, they all basically state the same thing: "Do NOT release the information provided to you on this exam!" Many Certification Providers have implemented NDAs to prevent exam takers from stealing their information. Prior to taking any certification exam, it is required that examinees sign the NDA.