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For comparison, I am in the 34th level of gladness

Edit: I'm sorry for those in the opposite camp. I can understand the aion classic kinah appeal. I was the twinkler for quite a long time. But, I have lost the appeal of a one-sided dunking.

Wow, my dudes! Aion Classic is flourishing because of the people who love the aspect of playing. The reason for this is why there aren't OWPvPvE OVPvE games.

"They later made rift changes and blah blah". Yes, and then the game was over. It's been less than an entire month. Let it go. Anyone who has returned to the harrowing OWPvPvE environment can enjoy for a few days before it is ripped up again.

While I don't mean to be disrespectful to the OP This is the reason I came back. This is what took the pleasure out of playing for a lot of people.

There are a myriad of games where you can go to play and enjoy an unrivalled playing field without having to be working for any kind of reward. Let Aion Classic be what Aion is: a high-speed, intense, and tough PvP experience where every player who achieves the level cap will be a battle-hardened, professional player, regardless of their desire to be.

Many people like to showcase what they've spent hundreds to thousands of hours working towards the capability, not solely to dispel characters who do not have it yet but also to evaluate their skills with others who have. Just because you may fall into the latter class at times, do not ignore the fact that time will arrive at. Aion Classic might not be the right choice for you if it is not your fashion. I'm not saying that in a way aggressively or confrontationally. Simply speaking the truth.

For comparison, I am in the 34th level of gladness at the moment and find myself in the shit the majority of the time. I am a sucker for not being in the hunt, and I'm sure that I will one day be hunting more than I am running after I turn 40.

Yes, I can appreciate the appeal and why some people love it. Even I felt some tingles when I used to play 10 years ago, but my outlook has evolved since the time I started. Gaming has made me more relaxed, but that's not what I was hoping to achieve.

You've stated that you're at 34. I believe that puts you at a place where you're probably not a intense player (or simply don't have the time or money to invest in it is what I'm trying to say) neither are you a casual. I would also put myself in this category. While I'm not exactly a casual player, I've only subscribed to the game and engage in a steady amount of play each day. To me, however, the majority of the anger stems from the fact that the players taking me down know they're able to outclass me (if they're a purple even more so) and they'll decide to drive past and kill me or go so that they camp in areas for hours until they get hunted down. There's hardly any ending game content available. Dredgion isn't even out. A large portion of euro aion classic buy kinah the players' primary motive is to be able to advance by working long hours and take advantage of low-cost players. It's not like a rookie player, but an experienced player who enjoys pvp.