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Does BNS Gold the Hearthstone

Submitted by Greenshopp on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 19:29

Does BNS Gold this beggarly the Hearthstone advertisement at BlizzCon will be focused on changes to absolute cards? Or does the automatic cilia attached the cards calm advance a goblin or gnome-themed amplification focused on absurd automated inventions? Conceivably something a little lighter to antithesis the appalling focus of the game's aboriginal add-on,Curse of Naxxramas.


In September, Hearthstone Blade And Soul Gold accumulation administrator Jason Chayes told Polygon that the game's next add-on would be our aboriginal amplification with added than new cards. BlizzCon seems like an accessible abode to advertise such a thing, but we'll accept to adjournment and see if it happens or how that advertisement is angry to this abstruse package.BlizzCon bliss off this advancing Friday, Nov. and runs through Saturday, Nov.