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How do I register my business name as trademark and what are its charges in India?

Submitted by LegalWizin on Sat, 06/26/2021 - 03:29

Trademark registration is an effective way to secure your brand and maintain its exclusivity. Here is how would help you out with the TM registration process:

Step 1: Brand Name Finalization and Trademark Search

1. Trademark Search

It takes a few minutes to check if the trademark name is unique. This is the most important step. If the brand name is not unique it cannot be registered. Hence finding a distinct name is important. The concerned relationship manager would select the appropriate class in which the trademark can be applied in.

Step 2: Filing of Form TM A

2. All the information relating to the company and the brand is discussed and shared. The following documents required for making an application with Trademark Ministry

  • Name, address, nationality of the applicant;
  • Certificate of Incorporation- In case of company/ LLP;
  • PAN card of the Applicant;
  • Date of any prior use of the trademark and supporting documents;
  • Power of attorney signed by the applicant;
  • Copy of a Trademark / logo in JPEG format.

Once all the required documents are submitted and other formalities are fulfilled; it will be updated in the TM-A form with the fees.
Step 3: Drafting of Documents by Professionals

After all the documents are verified the application would be drafted with the power of attorney. Franking would be done Trademark would be filed online. An acknowledgement receipt would be sent which proves that the application has been filed. You can now legally start using ™ beside your logo or brand. The acknowledgement mentions the filing date and application number, the Original Representation Sheet would take another two days.

The trademark usually gets completely registered within 18 months if there are no objections or other roadblocks which can delay the registration. And then you can start using the ® symbol.

The Registration is valid for 10 years from the date of application and may then be renewed for a period of 10 years within 6 months of the due date of expiry of the 10 years.