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How Often Can My Landlord Do an Inspection of My Apartment?

While the landlord does technically own the building you are renting and pays the mortgage, the lease agreement between the two of you allows for you to have a safe and private home there. This means there are limits on how often the landlord is able to stop by and do an inspection. You can’t keep them out of there for ten years and never let them see the inside, but they also can’t stop by every week to do an inspection.
Many states will not have a limit on the number of times the landlord can come in, or there could be issues with emergencies that would then barr the landlord from coming and looking around. However, you do need to either give them permission to come in, there needs to be an emergency in the apartment unit, the landlord needs to do some routine maintenance of the unit, they believe you have vacated and are not coming back, or they plan to show the unit to a new tenant because you are moving out.
As you can see, this still places some limits on how often the landlord is able to come and do an inspection on your unit. And most landlords are not going to push it or try to come too often anyway. If the landlord does plan to conduct an inspection and there isn’t an emergency, like flooding, on the apartment, most states require them to give you 24-hour notice along with an inspection notice or an intent to enter form. If it is yearly maintenance of the apartment, the landlord will often give you a few weeks or more of notice.
Keep in mind here that once the landlord has sent the proper notice for an inspection, they are able to enter into the property whether you are there or not. You can ask them to reschedule so that it works around a time you can be home to ask questions or point out things, but it is up to the landlord to decide if they will do that or not.
Finding a space that is all your own can be a rewarding experience. You can spread out and relax, making your own rules when you are done with work or school for the day. That is why you should check out some of our studio apartments for rent in Nashville. We have some of the best apartment units in the area, providing the space and amenities that you need when you are ready to head out on your own. We welcome you to come and take a tour and ask questions today before filling out a rental application!