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Pest Control Tips For My Business

Pest control services are the optimal way to deal with pest problems, but staying ahead of the problem is even better. A lot goes into maintaining a company, but keeping pests out not only saves you money but can also save your reputation.
Finding out a trusted brand has a cockroach or mouse infestation can be troublesome for customers and even deter them from using your services. So stay proactive and use the tips below to prevent pests from turning your business into their home.
Ensure drains are clean
One thing that can definitely attack pesky critters in your business is leftover food waste and scraps in your drains. Ensure your drains are cleaned regularly. You can take it to the next level by preventing food from being thrown into drains. If a food source isn’t available, pests will be less likely to try to settle in your business. And they’ll be more likely to move on rather than hang around outside.
Maintain sanitary requirements for your business
Regardless of what kind of business you’re running, you’ll have some sanitary requirements you need to meet. Be sure these requirements are met and kept up. Otherwise, you’ll be searching for commercial pest control in Bellevue. Also, make sure that these sanitary requirements keep food in check. You don’t want leftover food out and accessible. This will significantly attract insects and other pests to your business. If you do have food that needs to be disposed of, use proper methods.
Remove standing water
Be sure to inspect the land around your business and eliminate all sources of standing water. This water source can become the perfect breeding ground for insects like mosquitos if left alone. If you find sources of standing water like buckets, be sure to pour the water out and secure these items in water-free spaces. Otherwise, you can turn them upside-down so they don’t collect more water later.
You can also check plant pots that may accumulate extra water, bins, empty bottles, and potholes. Cleaning stagnant water from these areas is a great way to limit the insect population around your business.
Check your building and roof regularly
Check your building and roof regularly for any signs of holes or damage. If you have things like these, pests can get inside your building and start making it their home. Be sure to inspect your building for damages like this regularly. You should also look occasionally for any signs of possible pest problems.