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Top Safety tips you must learn from your electricians

NDF Electrical are not only the team that take care of all your electrician needs, but we want to ensure that everybody, including our clients are safe in their own home! Electricity is such a part of our daily life; we can forget how much we rely on it. Also, we forgot how dangerous electricity can be and the damage it can have. Electricity is one of the main causes of fires, can be life threatening to children and pets and can damage expensive appliances within the household. Here are the top safety tips you must learn from your electrician on the Gold Coast.

Replace Damaged Cords and Plugs

Damaged cords and plugs are a massive hazard. They can be the reason for a fire to start, can damage your appliances or shock you or your loved ones. Replacing these damaged cords and plugs will ensure this does not happen, and any Gold Coast electrician will tell you this.

Don’t overload power points

Each power point and power socket have a set amount of power it can withstand. By plugging in adapters, power boards and power heavy appliances, this can stretch the limit that your power point can withstand. If you overload the power point, you will potentially damage the appliance, wiring and will have to call an electrician on the Gold Coast to fix the damage done.

Turn it off and unplug

A simple and effective way to reduce the number of problems is to turn the appliance off at the wall, and even unplug it. This is especially relevant if you are trying to save money on your electricity bill, or if you live in a place where lightning storms are common. A lightning strike can damage your homes electrical circuit, and everything attached to it.

Dust your appliances and give them space

Electricians on the Gold Coast will all agree that appliances will often get neglected. They get put in one spot forever and are never thoroughly cleaned. Build-up of dust can lead to fire hazards, and if the appliance uses a fan to operate, will put more stress on the appliance and could overheat.

Do not have electrical items near wet areas

To put it simply, water and electricity do not mix. It will shock the person near it and can be fatal, this is what Gold Coast electricians have seen plenty of times before. They are taught from the start how deadly mixing the two can be.

Never leave hot appliances unattended

Appliances like hairdryers, straighteners and heaters should never be left on, not even for a minute if they are unattended. If you get distracted and must leave for some reason, this can cause serious damage to your home and possessions.

Smoke alarms are a must!

Having working smoke alarms can save lives, it is as simple as that. If for some reason they are faulty, contact your electrician on the Gold Coast immediately. Leaving something as important as a smoke alarm is a risky decision that is not recommended.

Childproof outlets

For all your power points at low heights, have childproof sockets placed in them. Children are very inquisitive and will likely wonder what a power point does and can easily stick something in a socket that they should not, damaging the socket and potentially hurting them. These are a cheap and easy way to ensure this does not happen.