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We've also added these backgrounds

Submitted by Sagelucy on Sun, 02/05/2023 - 23:01


The holiday dungeons WoTLK Classic Gold are available to all players beginning at the level 20. The items you find in these dungeons will increase to the current level. Also, keep on your watch for new items during the upcoming celebrations, like new Lunar Festival hats and a sturdy durable Love Fool.


Self-focused photographers are in heaven! Your S.E.L.F.I.E. camera is now much easier to acquire, and it comes with new filters for backgrounds. Selfie Cam Mark I is accessible on level 15 of Stormwind or Orgrimmar through a quest and you can upgrade to Mark II Selfie Cam after having completed a new level 30 group quest.

We've also added these backgrounds, but you'll need to find out how to unlock these backgrounds.

World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria is the latest expansion for Blizzard entertainment's massively multiplayer online role-playing game, is scheduled to be available on September 25. The fourth expansion will be available in retail stores and on the internet two months from today, for $39.99 (PS29.99 for the UK) and the Collector's Edition available for $79.99 (PS59.99 for UK). UK).

The World of Warcraft expansion introduces an entirely new playable race and continent in the 7-year old MMO game. It's the Pandaren are a race of panda-like cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold martial artists and Pandaria their home. The expansion also increases the cap on leveling up to 90 and introduces a brand new monk class.