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What is “IVF treatment”? Is it safe to do IVF?

IVF treatment is a fertility procedure which, in general terms referred to as a test-tube baby. It is a complex procedure that requires the thorough examination of a couple that is suffering from infertility. You need to visit the best IVF center in Patna to get your check-up done. During this procedure, the IVF specialist will examine the problem and act accordingly. The IVF treatment follows:
1. Egg retrieval
2. Sperm Retrieval
3. Egg fertilization
4. Embryo transfer
IVF process is completely safe. Though it has some side effects, it is not dangerous. After the embryo transfer, the female may feel heaviness, bloating or a little blood spot. But these are normal and does not affect your health or baby.
For IVF treatment in Patna, you can contact Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility centre and consult the best IVF specialist to help you have a baby.