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What are the steps in forming a private company?

Submitted by LegalWizin on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 10:27

For registration of a Private Company in India, four simple steps are followed. The incorporation process being centralised, it will remain same across India. The steps in forming a Private Company can be enlisted as below:

Step 1: Procure Digital Signature Certificate

DSC of the directors and shareholders must be procured for e-filing of applications.

Step 2: Reservation of name under RUN

New web-form RUN is deployed for quick name reservation process. Applicant should make application with desired name confirming the availability.

Step 3: Drafting of MoA AoA and other documents

On name reservation, documents to be submitted for company incorporation to be prepared by the professional including MoA and AoA. MoA and AoA are the charter documents of the company that defines the scope of business and manner of undertaking same.

Step 4: Application for Company Registration

Once required documents are prepared and compiled, an application in SPICe forms is made for online company registration. The application of DIN, PAN and TAN of the company is also included in said form.

For details about company registration process, read blog “Private Limited Company Registration Process – Simplified Guide

If you are looking for assistance in company registration, experts at are here to help. Connect with us on 1800-313-4151 or