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What Is A Dental Bridge, And What Are The Benefits?

Dental bridges are a popular dental solution that provides overall structural support to teeth. They come in metal and plastic forms and can be used to replace teeth that have been lost, damaged, or too far apart to be fixed with traditional braces or crowns. Here we look at the benefits of dental bridges and give you an overview of how they are constructed.

What is a dental bridge?
A dental bridge is a technique that replaces missing teeth with a metal or plastic frame. The bridge is custom-made to fit your teeth and is held in place by cosmetic dental crowns. The benefits of a dental bridge entail improved Smile, increased confidence, and reduced tooth loss.
Different Types Of Dental Bridges
A dental bridge replaces missing teeth with a metal or plastic gadget that connects the teeth in the front and back of your mouth. Bridges come in many different styles and can provide several benefits, including:

  • Providing a stable platform for teeth that are struggling to stay aligned
  • Restoring the appearance of your Smile
  • Reducing the need for oral surgery or other dental treatments

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge helps replace two or more missing teeth with a single, artificial tooth. Bridges are made of metal, porcelain, or other materials and can last for many years. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be customised to fit your mouth. The benefits of a dental bridge include:

  • Improved gum health because the bridge replaces multiple missing teeth with one durable artificial tooth.
  • Aesthetics: A dental bridge can give you an attractive smile that will help you feel more confident and improve your social life.
  • Better oral hygiene: A dental bridge eliminates the need to brush and floss around multiple missing teeth, which can help improve your oral hygiene habits.
  • Reduced stress on your jawbone: A dental bridge replaces one or more stress points, which can help reduce the risk of developing chronic jaw pain or other issues related to poor oral health.

How to get a dental bridge?
A dental bridge is a surgical procedure that replaces two or more missing teeth with a single, sturdy tooth. Bridges are often considered a “last resort” for restoration of Smile because they can require extensive dental work and often cost more than other options like replacement teeth. But there are many benefits to a dental bridge, including:

  • Improved speech and chewing ability. A dental bridge helps reduce the severity of speech problems caused by overcrowding on the front teeth. It can also improve the chewing ability of people who have difficulty withed some jaw movement.
  • Better appearance. A dental bridge significantly reduces the appearance of tooth decay and the gap between teeth, making you look younger and more attractive.
  • Long-term stability. Bridges are one of the most stable restoration options available – they typically last between 10 and 15 years without needing additional repairs or replacements.

If you’re considering a dental bridge, your best option is to consult with a qualified dentist. Next Smile is the best Gold Coast Dental Clinic for dental bridges and offers various options that best suit your needs. Our experienced team helps you choose the best bridge for your situation, and we will work with you to ensure that the bridge is comfortable and provides long-term stability. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!