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When do You Need to Hire a Contested Divorce Lawyer?

Submitted by arhammehta on Wed, 02/21/2024 - 00:33

Divorce may be common everywhere nowadays but people prefer taking it in an amicable manner so that they can move on with life easily. In many cases, things aren’t as expected as they should and people file a divorce in court. In such a case, hiring a Montgomery contested divorce attorney is the best bet because he can handle the intense situation in a better manner. Moreover, he can calm down the intense situation between both partners, which can affect children to a great extent.

When should you hire a lawyer to file a divorce?

You might have been trying hard to settle the matter outside court. However, you might not succeed in achieving your goals. In some of the below-mentioned situations, hiring a lawyer can be the best choice:

You can’t reach an agreement

Your partner may not be ready to listen to you regarding children, debts, finances and other matters. This leaves you with no choice and you will have to file a contested divorce. However, it is a good idea to have a lawyer with you so that he can take care of things on your behalf and speak to your spouse as per the state laws. Your and your children’s rights are protected and respected. 

Financial matters 

If you or your spouse have a lot of assets, properties and cash in a joint account, you should not settle things amicably. Instead, it is a good idea to file a contested divorce and give the details of your finances to the court. It will divide properties and funds based on state laws. Things may get complicated if you have shares, investments and business together. It is suggested to involve the court in this case. 

Your spouse has a divorce lawyer

Before you can make the move, your spouse already has hired a contested lawyer. You should not fight your case yourself because you may not have enough knowledge and experience of these laws. Let a good contested divorce lawyer handle things on your behalf and get justice.

For the sake of safety 

If your spouse has abusive behavior, it is good to have a divorce lawyer with you. If your spouse stalks you, threatens you or tries to harm your children, he can take action against him.

It is highly recommended to get in touch with a divorce lawyer before making any decision about your married life as he can guide you better.