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Which is the best IVF clinic in India with the highest success rate in pregnancy?

The reason for searching this question might be you might need the IVF treatment. IVF is a complex procedure, and a couple must be mentally prepared for all the exhaustion and tiredness during the process.
Having a biological baby is a dream for many which cannot be fulfilled due to infertility. Thus you need to contact the best clinic in India. The primary way to select the best clinic is the IVF success rate. The more the success rate, the better the treatment in the clinic.
As far as I know, Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre is the best IVF clinic in Patna, with around a 75% success rate and more than 65k successful patients. Alongside the success rate, the IVF cost in this clinic is comparatively affordable as compared to other IVF clinics in India.