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Why is Gen Z ageing like milk?

We live in a time when trends change at the speed of light. It is no surprise that generational characteristics and ageing processes are also evolving rapidly. Enter Gen Z, the demographic cohort born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, often characterised by their tech-savviness, progressive attitudes, and liking for innovation.  
However, beneath the surface, there is a curious phenomenon unfolding: Gen Z is ageing like milk. Here is why it may be true: 

  • Digital overload 

Gen Z is possibly the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age. They are immersed in social media, smartphones, and constant connectivity. While these technological avenues are beneficial, they also expose Gen Z to high levels of stress, anxiety, and digital fatigue. The constant pressure to create and maintain a perfect online persona and keep up with ever-changing trends can take a toll on mental health. It can contribute to premature ageing effects. 

  • Lifestyle habits 

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z is known for its fast-paced and often hectic lifestyle. Balancing academic pressures, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and social obligations leave little time for self-care and relaxation. Poor dietary choices, irregular sleep patterns, and limited exercise further worsen the issue.  

  • Environmental factors 

Environmental pollution, exposure to harmful chemicals, and climate change are significant concerns for Gen Z. With growing awareness of environmental issues and the urgent need for sustainable practices, this generation is grappling with the impact of a rapidly deteriorating environment. From air pollution-induced skin damage to stress-related hair loss causes, environmental factors play an integral part in Gen Z's ageing process. 

  • Financial pressures 

Despite being labelled as digital trendsetters, many Gen Z face considerable financial challenges. Rising education costs, stagnant pay structures, and economic instability contribute to financial stress and anxiety. These attributes can manifest in physical symptoms of ageing.  

  • Beauty standards and self-image 

In the era of filters, Facetune, and Instagram influencers, Gen Z is bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards and idealised images of perfection. Constantly comparing to airbrushed photoshopped images can damage one’s self-esteem and foster feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.  
This pressure to conform to unattainable beauty ideals can contribute to stress-related ageing effects, as individuals strive to meet impossible standards of beauty and youthfulness. 

  • Changing social dynamics 

Another reason Gen Z is ageing like milk is the change in traditional notions of social interaction and community. With the rise of virtual friendships, online communities, and remote work environments, face-to-face interactions are becoming rarer. This shift in social dynamics can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and disconnection, all of which are known to accelerate the ageing process.  
Today, Gen Z faces a unique set of challenges that are shaping their ageing process in unexpected ways. While this generation is known for its resilience and adaptability, it is the need of the hour to acknowledge the impact of these factors on their health and well-being. Only then can Gen Z pave the way for a healthier and more balanced future.