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Biggest Issue on Child Custody Australia

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Thu, 04/08/2021 - 02:31

Biggest Issue on Child Custody Australia

Child Custody Australia has One of the biggest issues facing Multi-national Australian families is parenting arrangements and custody of children. The 2011 Census suggests nearly half of the Australian population has one parent who was born in another country.

As Australia has one of the highest intermarriage rates and divorces in the world, this often leads to international child custody disputes.

ANNA KLEINDIENST - Senior Associate Solicitor

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Fri, 04/02/2021 - 02:08

As a Property settlement Lawyers:

Anna has a particular interest in property settlements and is committed to assisting her clients in achieving an amicable and expeditious resolution of their matter wherever possible. Her professionalism, caring nature and down to earth approach is valued by her clients, colleagues and other professionals.

Child Support Agreement

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 02:26

What child support agreement includes?

Although there is no “setlist” of what a child support agreement includes, the biggest disagreement between the parties commonly arises over whether this financial support should include mobile phones, other inessential technology, costs of transportation, and extra-curricular activities.

Binding Financial Agreement & Provisions of Family Law Act

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Wed, 03/31/2021 - 01:48

Binding Financial Agreement & Provisions of Family Law Act
While binding financial agreement, Parties may wish to determine the ownership of their assets and liabilities whilst contemplating or living in a relationship (including same-sex relationships), contemplating entering into a marriage, during a marriage or after a divorce, may wish to set out terms in an agreement which determines how their property and liabilities should be determined should their relationship break down.

Prenuptial Agreement Australia

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Sat, 03/27/2021 - 02:16

Understanding Prenuptial Agreement Australia and Binding Financial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreement Australia (otherwise known as Binding Financial Agreements “BFA”’s) can be drawn up prior to, during or after a relationship/marriage. BFA’s set out how all or any assets or liabilities will be divided in the event of a breakdown of your relationship. This means that the assets and liabilities in the parties’ possession at the time of entering into the agreement can be accounted for and so can any accumulated during the relationship. This also includes superannuation.

What’s The Lighthouse Project effect in Brisbane, Australia 2021?

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Thu, 03/25/2021 - 02:44

About The Lighthouse Project effect in Brisbane

The Lighthouse Project came into effect in the Brisbane Registry of the Family and Federal Circuit Court of Australia in early 2021. It is a pilot program designed to assist the most vulnerable participants in parenting matters with concerns as to family violence, abuse or neglect, substance issues, and other safety issues.

Why The Lighthouse Project?

Family Law Act 1975 Australia | What’s Best Fair In Love & Law?

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Wed, 03/24/2021 - 01:55

What is the family law act 1975?

Family law act 1975 is the Laws relating to marriage and divorce and the reasons relating to marriage and with it and otherwise the financial responsibility of the parents of the children and the de-facto relationship and some other matters relating to divorce.

What is the purpose of the Family law act 1975?

Sperm donation Brisbane Law, Parental Responsibilities and Legislation

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Mon, 03/22/2021 - 00:30

Law of “Sperm donation Brisbane“, Parental Responsibilities and Legislation
Although Sperm donation Brisbane have historically been subject to anonymity in Australia, recent legislative reform and case law suggest a definitive movement towards inclusion within Family Law and Parental Responsibility. In all states and territories of Australia, donating sperm anonymously is now banned through legislation or mandatory guidelines.

What are domestic violence QLD, Australia and family violence?

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 02:09

Domestic violence QLD in Australia and family violence are well explained in the various state and federal legislation. The relevant Courts that deal with the protection of individuals and families subject to domestic violence are the state Magistrate Courts at first instance.

How prevalent is domestic violence QLD in Australia?

The Australian Domestic Violence Data Survey found that at least 1 in 3 women and 20 men has experienced violence from a current or former partner since the age of 15. There were 264,028 incidents of domestic violence between 2014 and 2016.

Can Family Court Make An Order In Relation To An Unborn Child?

Submitted by Jamesnoble on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 00:29

Can Family Court Make An Order In Relation To An Unborn Child?

No! The Family Court is powerless to make orders prior to the birth of the child. As a family lawyer, I often receive inquiries from soon-to-be fathers wanting to know their rights in relation to their unborn child.

In a recent matter, the father gave instructions in relation to his partner’s pregnancy. The expected date of birth of the child was three weeks from the date I received instructions.


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