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4 Fruit Juices That Should Be Stocked Up In Your Refrigerator

If there is one thing in nature that is truly healthy, refreshing and loaded with nutrients it is fruits. Fruits are delicious little treats that can curb your hunger pangs, keep you satiated and prevent you from unhealthy binging, while also nourishing your body and keeping various diseases at bay. Some studies show that juicing a fruit can help you reap more health benefits than eating the fruit raw, but that is the case only if you consume cold pressed or cold compressed juices like pomegranate, orange, apple, or grape juice blends.

Here are four fruit juices that you should stock up in your refrigerator.

Pomegranate juice: The pomegranate is often regarded as a miraculous fruit that can protect your body from a whole lot of ailments. Whether it is the peel or the pomegranate seeds itself, the health benefits offered by the fruit are irrefutable. It is no wonder that doctors and nutritionists insist that the fruit must feature in your daily diet. If you don’t like to eat it in its original form, you can buy pomegranate juice and drink it. Consumption of the same prevents your body from contracting diseases like various cancers, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, heart diseases and even diabetes.

Orange juice: The orange is a humble and inexpensive juicy fruit that has a sweet and tangy flavour. Available throughout the year, this pulpy fruit is refreshing and best consumed in the morning with breakfast. Orange juice makes for a great low-calorie snack that is packed with nutrients and offers a whole lot of health benefits. It is a great source of Vitamin C, strengthens your immune system, prevents the formation of kidney stones, improves blood circulation and even balances your blood pressure. Don’t forget to buy orange juice and stock up your refrigerator, particularly in the summer season.

Apple juice: The apple is another delicious year-round fruit that should always be present in your fridge; either in its whole form or as a juice. However, ensure you purchase cold extracted apple juice with its thick and fibrous nectar visible to the naked eye. Packaged juices are usually thin in consistency and packed with harmful additives and sweeteners. A single glass of apple blend, can aid weight loss, protect your heart from cardiovascular ailments, reduces the risk of diabetes, improves your digestive system, and even promotes bone health.

Grape juice: The grape is a juicy delicious fruit available in various varieties such as black grapes, green grapes, seedless grapes, California grapes and so on. There are as many as 15 known varieties of grapes and each is loaded with a host of vital nutrients that benefit your all-round health. The fruit is filled with Vitamins B6, C and K as well as potassium, manganese, fibre and proteins all of which can protect your body against chronic diseases, cancers and diabetes. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels in the body, improve cognitive function and prevent skin from aging. So, remember to buy grape juice the next time you go grocery shopping.