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Tap Portugal 24 hours Cancellation

If you need to cancel your flight, you can cancel it immediately, as you may incur a cancellation fee, but only if you cancel after 24 hours of booking by TAP Air Portugal. And to give you an idea of ​​the cancellation policy of TAP Air Portugal, we have brought you some important cancellation policy points, please go through them.

TAP Air Portugal cancellation within 24 hours

The airline allows you to cancel your flight without paying the cancellation fee, but the cancellation is done within 24 hours of the flight booking. Cancellation requests will be 7 days prior to the date of departure.
In addition, as per the TAP Air Portugal cancellation policy, when the passenger requests a refund within 24 hours after the flight has been booked, 7 days after the departure of the flight, the passenger will have to pay a refund of EUR15 / USD20 / CAD30.
In addition, the return will be provided with a reduction of 15 euros in the form of vouchers.
The non-refundable voucher can be used for one year to purchase TAP Air Portugal flight tickets.
Additionally, if you have not canceled your flight within 24 hours of purchasing your ticket, you may cancel your flight up to two hours prior to departure. And there's much more to know about TAP Air Portugal's cancellation policy.

What are the cancellation charges for Tap Air?

When canceling a flight reservation made with Reservationbuy (Tap Air Portugal official website). You will not be required to pay the cancellation fee. However, if your flight is canceled 24 hours after purchase, you will have to pay €15 in compensation.
On the other hand, if you cancel a reservation made through the booking center or sales desk, you may see a €30 fee for canceling your flight reservation.

In this blog post, we guide you through the terms and conditions of TAP Portugal's 24-hour cancellation policy: how you can use them when your travel plans are uncertain. For any further information or assistance, you may contact the TAP Portugal Helpline by dialing +1-800-364-9405.