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Without you realise the habits that can make you fat

Submitted by alenalbert on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 21:23

Want to lose weight? The first step you can do before changing your diet and diligent exercise is to check back on daily habits. For some of them without realizing it can quietly make the weight skyrocket.

Anything? Here's a list of habits that can make you fat and should change immediately, as summarized

Bite food with large chunks

Allow more and more time to eat, so you will not be in a hurry until you have to bite the food with large chunks and chew it quickly.

It is believed that those who bite the food with large chunks and chew it too fast will consume more calories, compared with those who eat slowly and bite smaller.

By chewing slowly, the body will give full signal more easily and you can feel. Conversely, if you rush when eating then you tend to be constantly hungry and do not feel full.

Drinking less water

People who drink less water are known to be more susceptible to weight gain, compared with those who drink enough water. This is because thirst is often misunderstood as hungry, so people will continue to eat.

In addition, enough water consumption is known to get rid of toxins out of the body.

Eat on a big plate

Those who eat from large plates will more easily gain weight, compared with those who eat from small dishes.

The reason is, the bigger your plate the more food you put in it. So, the best way to control your hunger is by eating on a small plate.

Lack of rest

The problem of weight gain is not merely due to diet and physical exercise, but also closely related to sleep patterns. A person at high risk of becoming overweight if he does not have enough time to sleep. One reason is because during sleep is precisely the most optimal time for the body to burn fat.

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