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nhtdelhi's blog

What are your expectations about hair transplant services in Ludhiana?

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Submitted by nhtdelhi on Mon, 07/10/2017 - 21:14

Nowadays, baldness at a younger age is a very common issue, especially among men in all cities including Ludhiana. Many reasons are behind it like extensive pollution, unhealthy diet, high stress, extensive use of hair products containing harmful chemicals. Besides, heredity also counts till a large extent when it comes to hairfall. People tend to generate a wrong idea about a person’s age by seeing baldness. Thus, premature baldness leaves a greater impact on the human personality.

Affordable Hair Transplant in Delhi

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Submitted by nhtdelhi on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 00:11

Losing 100 strands of hair each day is counted under normal. But, if one starts losing more hairs as compared to normal count, then it is considered as hair loss. There are several reasons of hair fall in men and women. One can opt for hair transplant option to look better and regain lost hairs. You can also opt for FUE hair transplantation which is highly popular and evolving technique in hair transplantation. Now its easy to get hair transplant Delhi.

Delhi - An ideal destination for Hair Transplant in India

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Submitted by nhtdelhi on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 01:07

Losing 100 strands of hair each day is counted under normal. But, if one starts losing more hairs as compared to normal count, then it is considered as hair loss. There are several reasons of hair fall in men and women. One can opt for hair transplant option to look better and regain lost hairs. You can also opt for FUE hair transplantation which is highly popular and evolving technique in hair transplantation. Now its easy to get hair transplant in Delhi.

Hair transplant techniques popular in Pune

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Submitted by nhtdelhi on Tue, 12/27/2016 - 23:12

Improved efficiency of the FUE technique has gradually made the process popular with the target audience. One of the major advantages is that, the procedure is quick and simple to handle. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is basically the process of gathering hair follicle units which are then used for hair transplantation process. It has been commonly observed that, most of the popular hair transplant in Pune use this method successfully.

Life of Transplanted Hair and How to Keep Them Forever

nhtdelhi's picture
Submitted by nhtdelhi on Mon, 12/26/2016 - 23:04

Displayed hair is what we see on the shaft, i.e. the upper area of the scalp. The remaining part of the hair lies beneath the topmost layer of the skin or the scalp. The lower part of the hair is called the hair follicle. This is the underlying part which constitutes the biological structure of the hair. This is where the hair develops and grows.

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