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Urns UK: The Art of Personalizing an Urn

Submitted by urnsuk on Mon, 01/23/2023 - 02:56

We all know how difficult it is to lose a loved one. The way we cope with the loss varies from person to person. Some of us turn to religion for comfort, some try to move on as fast as possible and others prefer to keep the memories alive by cherishing their loved ones' things. For those who want to hold on to their loved ones' ashes, the Urns UK is just the place for you!

Give the Gift of Remembrance With an Urn

Submitted by urnsuk on Fri, 01/20/2023 - 00:37

Grief is an emotional and physical process that can be difficult to work through. You may feel lost, confused and even angry at yourself or others, but there is no right way to grieve. Mourning the loss of a loved one can be an ongoing process, which means that you might have different feelings at different stages in the years after losing your spouse or parent. Someone who has just passed away doesn't need flowers on their gravesite, or honouring ashes in cremation urns: they need their loved ones to remember them for who they were as people and not just for how they died.

Gifting an Urn Will Help Your Beloved Live on Forever

Submitted by urnsuk on Wed, 01/18/2023 - 01:45

Your loved ones have passed on, but the memories of their lives still live on in your heart and mind. There are ways that you can keep those memories fresh and alive for years to come. One such way is by giving an urn to them. An urn is more than just a container for storing ashes; it's something that will keep your beloved family members close to you forever.

There comes a time when life, as we know it, needs to take a back seat.

Preparing Your Pets Urn

Submitted by urnsuk on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 21:10

It's never easy to say goodbye to a pet. However, it's even harder to say goodbye when you have no idea how you're going to bury them or what you're supposed to do with their ashes once they pass away. We don't want that for you, which is why we've put together this guide on how best to prepare your pets urn and keep the memory of your beloved companion alive forever.

Using a Funeral Home

Once you have decided to use a funeral home, it's time to find one. You can do this by searching online or asking around for recommendations from friends and family.

How to Help Kids Cope When Their Family Pet Dies

Submitted by urnsuk on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 22:36

I am sure you know that it is not easy to deal with the loss of such a beloved pet, especially if this is the first time they will experience the situation. Grief can be hard for anyone, but especially bad for children. Here are some tips from Urns UK that will help you cope with this difficult situation.

Let your child discuss the loss

Let your child know that you are there to listen and that you understand how hard it is for them.

Artful Urns That Are a True Work of Art

Submitted by urnsuk on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 01:12

There's an urn for every personality type, different tastes and preferences, so don't worry about feeling out of place. If a loved one meant a lot to you, then the amount of money that you spend to honour the memory should not matter. That being said, here are some of our favourite pieces from the latest collections:

Paint Your Own Cremation Ashes Urn Maple

Help Kids Cope When They Lose a Pet

Submitted by urnsuk on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 22:54

I'm a parent, and I've experienced the death of a pet. It's not easy to deal with, even as an adult. But my experience isn't the only one that can help you cope with the loss of a beloved animal companion—I'm also a psychologist who specialises in counselling children, teens and families dealing with grief. Here are some tips that might be helpful as you navigate this difficult time:

Tell them the truth. Don't try to spin it as something better.

Don't lie.

Don't make up stories.

Don't try to make it better than it is.

Pet Urn Buying Guide This Year

Submitted by urnsuk on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 23:36

So, you’re going to need an urn for your pet. That’s okay! We all need urns from time to time. You may not have known that there are many different types of pet urns available, but don’t worry—I’m here to help. In this guide I will outline some of the most common types of pet urns and explain why those types might be better for you than others. And we’ll also talk about how to keep your pet’s ashes safe and secure after they’ve passed away so that you can feel comfortable knowing they’re safe from harm or theft during their journey home with you


Urns UK: Should You Consider an Urn Over Cremation?

Submitted by urnsuk on Mon, 01/02/2023 - 00:01

Many people assume that the only option for cremated remains is to scatter them. But there are actually many other ways to honour your loved ones and celebrate their life. Here's a look at some of those options, from having an urn made to sending ashes into space or storing them in a special container called an 'ash pod.'

An urn may be the right choice for you if you don't want to scatter ashes.


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