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Cremation Urn Care Guide by Urns UK

Submitted by urnsuk on Thu, 02/02/2023 - 20:22

When a loved one dies, you want to know that they have been cared for and respected. While the funeral director will take care of the funeral service and burial, it is up to you as a family member or friend to take care of the urn. The cremation urn is an important part of the memorial service and should be kept around for years after the death has occurred. In this article, we will discuss how to care for your loved one’s ashes with some tips on cleaning them and storing them in your home or in a special place outside your home.

Caring for a cremation urn in your home.

There are a few things you need to be aware of when caring for your urn.

Avoid moisture and humidity: It is important to keep the urn away from moisture, humidity and direct sunlight. Moisture can cause damage to the surface of an urn, which may make it less desirable or even unusable in some circumstances. It has been said that this goes both ways; too much dryness can also be harmful to an urn’s longevity as well!
Keep away from direct sunlight: This will help prevent fading on the outside of the cremation casket as well as any engravings or decorations within. Placing it under a heat lamp could also cause this type of damage since they emit intense heat over long periods of time which can cause cracking inside (and sometimes out) through rapid expansion/contraction cycles caused by heating/cooling cycles within materials used during manufacturing processes like plastic resins used here at Urns UK Ltd.’s factory where we make all our products at their highest quality standards possible so every customer gets exactly what they want without having any reservations about durability issues later down line after purchase date has passed; so please do not hesitate contacting us if there’s anything else I haven’t covered yet?

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